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Friday, May 21, 2010 ' 8:25 PM

YOYOYOYOYO!!! PEOPLE!!! urmurmurmurm okok lets start by saying ytd... Ytd was such a pissed off day. okok...I was like 'scolded' by teacher...andandandand she scold me when I did not did anything lor. 1st time is the boys come infront of my place then they playplayplayplay and throwthrowthrow things... which was like I did not even do anything but I do my work...then I ask Yijie come and pei wo and she did:DDD haha
then after that they go away liao right then Jiahui come my place and dunno do wad lar or borrow things from me(forget liao)...then Victoria also come then the Christopher also come...he come and bang my table leh...then after that teacher jiu scold liao lar...she say'1234'(that means I think I'm also included) dont make me make a report or smth like that...
okok then I was like thinking 'eh cher I never do anything lehy is they come my place one leh.what can I do. ask them go away arh cannot right'... correct right
Aiyo this makes me so pissed offf:S
okok forget about those... urmurmurm later maybe going to parkway do smth ahahahaha if not everyday stay at home very sian one sia:DDDDD ookokok I am going to playplayplay and watchwatchwatch stuffs
She ends @

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 ' 3:53 AM

Ok... school as per normal just that today during the assembly the chinese orchestra, band choir, dance, wushu and the sad arts people performed... ok lol I was at there too ok... very paisei lor ai yo...haiz... the most important thing is that today have PE but than i never bring sia... wa shit man... luckily Mr Izham gave me a GET OUT OF JAIL card cos he say I help the school do SOMETHING... ok that was quite lame>>>
UM.... then continued school:( so sad so tired almost fell asleep in class haha... then after school, me and Jiahui wait for HUiying outside of her class room cos TODAY GOT KHSCO SYF!!! OMG... okayokay .... then wait for her ok then Jiahui was like telling Mr amit to let HUi ying come out of class earlier cos we WAITED FOR VERY LONG!!!! okok relax man!
UMMMMMM then afer that we went to go opposite to buy stuffs:D haha BUBBLE TEA haha... ok then JIahui father come and bring us go Singapore Conference Hall; so good man UNCLE. THANKS MAN:DDDDD
HOHOHOthen sister called ask where are we... then I say REACHING! then Gina called also ask WHERE ARE WE ofcourse I say reaching:D ( normal right:D) then after a while , we REACHED!!! saw sister and friends haha saw DYLAN(S) the CO one ... okok then we got into the hall ok cos I was like still having my BBT then it was like not allowed but I sneaked in to there hahahaha:D cos I don't want to throw away wad right( DON"T WASTE DRINK wad :D) ok then got one woman arh very the wad sia ok don't want to talk about her liao... FED UP:$
okok then got one school in front of KHSCO and that is don't know wad MITO ok... then FINALLY, KHSCO YAY!!! of they were like playing till so dam good man.... oh so proud of them:D haha BUT really VERY GOOD si bei good!!! :D okok then after that finish, went back to KHS with the CO members:D hahas then finally, back homeeeeeee:D yay HAHA:D then back here to post :DDDDDDD okok BBBBBBB
She ends @

Friday, April 9, 2010 ' 9:41 PM

YOYOYO!!! LOL this is lame... nth to talk about... this past few days the same... no time... got class test... the this week i got one is geography... not too hard but i don't know how to answer.. lol lame:) ok next weeek having loads of class test haven revise... sian don't know wad to do... lol... ok um... just ate mac back home... hahahaha:) ok friends meet up soooooon:) BB
She ends @

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 ' 2:16 AM

Oh sian so many project need to do... cannot finish one lor one time give so many...
Hate my PHYSICS teacher anyhow scold people kns lar she... say want to give LRC... so many people walking here and there then only scold me shit her lar... ok nvm change topic
Yay my common test all pass except for HISTORY( my first page already 8 marks gone so sure fail). Chem and Bio i got 19/25, then Physics i got 21/25(not too bad), then english compo got 17/30( very lan. MUST buck UP but also don't know how to) , then maths i got 30/40(okok lar), then chinese don't know hope it is not too bad. then no more
after all not too bad lar but history very bad lols ....
ok tomorrow having camp very funny lor the first day go home then second day stay till the third day ai ya si troublesome.... very tired one leh still have concert during the camp then i need to dance the SORRY SORRY LEH then Jiahui, Yijie and Meixuan dance the NOBODY NOBODY shit... stupid lor i then don't want to dance so paisey... almak need to bury a hole first...
ok ending the post... ok my new smiling face "D and :D last time is (: Then change lols ... okays ...
She ends @

Saturday, December 26, 2009 ' 7:19 AM

ok hello I'm back woho having the yearly bbq again! can meet all cousins muhaha got some dam handsome one leh don't xiao kan them hor!:D ok stop all this nonsense! haha ok having the bbq on 31dec( I think is on thursday[suppose to be]) okays.. i tell you arh tao hua xiao mei is nice lor so gan ren ! must watch on either youtube or tv .... craps....
Um ...i am going to MANJUSRI which a lot of you also going then checkED going to same class as Yijie, Meixuan and Jiahui! hurray! so sad Amelia not the same class as us (crying) then xinru they your go NA classes too bad! nvm work harder and we can be in the same class the next next year!
hahas anyways, Rachel not going to same school as us... she going to other schools missing her...D:so love her how could she leave us...
ok nvm stop all this bullshitting things.. ok i am apealling to TEMASEK, CHUNG CHENG and NGEE ANNNNNNNN! omg hope that all three schools won't accept me I WANT TO BE IN THE SAME SCHOOLS AS MY FRIENDS!!! Btw is not i choose one is my parents choose so cannot blame me!!!
ok I am going to watch wo cai wo cai wo cai cai cai le
BYES and love ya:D

She ends @

Sunday, December 6, 2009 ' 6:53 PM

Hello people! Ok don't know what to say! um actually ytd i went to the "ma chang" and have weddin dinner! haha jealous right your cannot go there but I can! whoah(:
Um... the bride is simply beautiful and very white and thin... obviously]
then took photos at there... um ofcourse had dinner at there and saw their wedding photos...
loves some of their the scenery that they took!!! hope that next time can like that too
um took PSLE result like a few million days ago and the result is really bad):
had the same result as some of my friends very happy fortunately no one fail in this examination]
some were not sastify with their results like me! (:ok nothing much to say le this is LIM XIN RU call me to post one! Although i knew i did not like post for ages le(: haha cos i no time to do so ! I not like your can always play the computer one ! must understand(:
anyways loves those who keeps tagging for me and i love your! (: hahas
She ends @

Tuesday, November 3, 2009 ' 6:17 AM

Haha...I just saw my POST and it's like from MAY till now haven't post yet !!!! I'm so sorry man!!! [cos too busy] (: I know that now in school have like dam lots of conflicts between Yuncui and Yijie...(paisey to mention your the name...is BE BU DE Yi one) (:
Nvm... don't care about those le!!! hahas PAisey arh Sayhui! I cannot come on the friday too!! But i just gave you a present!!! Your present will never be late!(: I SO GOOD right!!!! Three cheers for me!!!
lols I'm just being lame(I know) !!!ok now wad ???
keep TAGGING!(; Great thanks to all!!! (;
She ends @

Tagboard code here.

The Girl
12 ( will be 1 year older on every 18 November.
E-mail acc :big_stomachx@hotmail.com
Love me and I will LOVE you"D
Currently in Manjusri Sec
Previously from Kong Hwa:D


1. My lao gong and lao po!
3. bubble tea
4.Chinese orchestra as my CCA
6. family
7. My class

` Safe and happy life
` Have more friends"D
` Good grades
Able to coop well in school
New Phone:)

The Memories

Click for posts according to months

The Music
Paste music code here.